Friday, September 14, 2018

One Less Evil Vampire

Well it turned out that the wand of healing was a very good purchase idea as we needed it. It turned out that the vampire had set a bit of an ambush for us with a couple of his death knight buddies. We also found out that this particular vampire can attack while invisible so between the three of them we were doing about as much healing as damage.

We were able to eventually dispatch the two knights and whittle down the vampire. I have never faced a vampire before in battle but Lightbringer explained to me that one of the things that make them hard to kill is that when they need to they will turn into a mist and fly away to escape danger. So when it actually happened I was ready. I used my natural air ability to create a windwall and hold him in place so that Lightbringer could deliver the final blow.

After the battle we searched his body and found a number of interesting items. I got a rod of lesser maximise and gloves of storage. We also found an interesting item called a ring of sustenance. So if you wear the ring you no longer need to eat or drink. We are currently debating on weather or not we should give it to our vamp friend back at home and maybe even ask what his name is. Yea, that probably should have been the first thing we did but our meeting was a weird and tense situation and subsequent interactions were terse and to the point.

Hopefully in time we will come to trust one another, and maybe, finding out his name would be a good step in that direction; also a housewarming gift could not hurt either.

A New Friend

So as a show of good faith our new vamp friend and houseguest gave us the location of an evil vampire he knew back before he was locked away. The information is a few hundred years old but we decided to form an expedition to check it out. The location is about 30 miles away so we took some of the gold we found when clearing out our new home and bought a carriage and a wand of healing. We also hired a carriage driver and set off.

At the location that our friend marked on our map we found a cave surrounded by dead plants and carefully proceeded inside but it was not long before we encountered lots of magic casting undead. There were more then we expected to encounter but since Lightbringer and I are clerics we were able to keep scarring them off which helped to keep us from being totally overwhelmed. Although, after that we realised we were in no shape to take on a vampire and retreated to a nearby village to rest.

Currently, I am awaiting them in the carriage to return to the cave .....

As I was writing, I heard them calling out to me from the nearby chappell. Apparently they happened upon a mage that was trying to tell us to give up on the vampire and go home but when we chose not to he began fireballing us until we killed him. So it looks like we are going to stay another night so we are at full strength as he obviously knows we are coming for him now.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

A New Home

Last night I had an odd dream about an angel. I woke wondering if it was my father or if it had something to do with this weird place. Shortly after entering this tower basement I got my answer when I looked into a mirror and saw that same angel it took my mind and made me attack my friends but thankfully the effect was short lived. That evil angel, as it turned out,  was worshiped here by the necromancers that brought those awful Vivisectors. In the course of clearing out the basement we found and killed the queen Vivisector and all her young, then fought some undead left behind by the necromancer.

Interestingly, one of the things we found was the deed to the land the tower was built on giving us the ability to claim it as our home. It will take quite a bit of cleaning but it is better than renting a room above a bar.

The biggest surprise was a coffin locked with chains or more accurately what was inside. A vampire that was locked away by his creator because he refused to feed on anything but rapists and murderers. At least that is what he claims. But he seems honest and nice so we didn't kill him and instead chose to keep a close eye on him. He mostly stays in his room.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

You have to crawl before you can walk.

Today we went into town to find a market where we can buy some potions with the vouchers we got from the king. Afterward we debated on what we should do next. I was up for trying to find some wandering dragons or watching an entrance to the kings mines to see what comes out to see if we can handle it but Lightbringer, who is more familiar with the area and in fighting the creatures we might face thought it best to return to the tower where we encountered the undead.

Upon searching the remains of the tower we came upon a locked trap door in the floor. Elden was able through the use of her magic to read the warning written on the door and determine that the lock as magically trapped. Basically some necromancer during the war tried to plain-shift some Vivisectors but was then unable to control or handle them so he locked them away under the tower. Apparently someone tried to pick the lock and failed which turned them into the undead creature we encountered yesterday.

We decided that this was too dangerous to leave sitting so close to the town so Elden and I guarded it while Mercy returned to town to find some people skilled enough to pick this lock properly. He returned a few hours later with some rogues and cleric who were able to pick the lock without incident. They would not enter the trap door though, opting to guard the entrance instead.

The three of us descended into the basement of the tower encountering several of these Vivisectors which can fly and turn invisible! However we were able to kill a few before having to retreat back up to the tower. We will try again tomorrow and camp here in the tower ruins tonight. These invasive creatures will be vanquished!

Where There is a Problem There is Employment

It turned out to be good that we chose to travel together to see Eventide because it wasn't long before we were attacked by some dragons. The largest was about my size but I made quick work of him with my quarterstaff. The rest were the size of birds. We were told in town that there was a bounty on dragons in this land so I ended up dragging the body along behind me for the rest of the trip.

Well except for the undead abomination of nature we had to battle near the remains of the cities old south watch tower. It was a tough fight and by the time we reached the monastery I was completely out of spells but without a scratch on me.

The monastery was plain but had a nice hill top view of the countryside. Upon meeting Eventide I made a point to suggest that he should have his monks patrol the road to town to keep it safe for tourists like us. He seemed to be impressed that we were able to take down the dragon without much injury and offered to introduce us to his friend THE KING!

I was not expecting to meet the king of Mirtivir, especially so soon after arriving, but we followed him through the town and into the city and were granted an audience immediately upon arrival. I don't know what history they shared but their friendship must be strong. The king explained that the area and mines were over run with dragons which have brought the lands mining operations to a stand still. Hence the bounty on dragons. He then granted each of us our choice of a weapon and piece of armor from his armory asking that we at least remain and kill dragons until we have slain one adult dragon. I chose a solid silver quarter staff and mithril plate mail.

Apparently it is customary for a guest room to be made available to everyone that meets with the king for a night so we spent the night at the castle.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Every Town Has Its Problems

On my way in to town I came upon a field of bodies just as some folk were finishing off the last few of an undead uprising. I came to find out that this area is in recovery from a recent war with a powerful necromancer who left a few surprises in his retreat for unfortunate travelers to trigger. This of course did not dissuade me from my life long goal to see the land of Mirtivir which is renown for its diversity and in finding ways for all races and moralities to live together.

It was at this point I was joined on the road by Lightbringer, I doubt that's his real name, and a girl named Elden. However, it was not long before we were attacked on the road by a group of Drow probably on the run from their woman who unfortunately took us for an easy mark. With the help of those traveling with me we corrected them of this notion.

After arriving at the town I found an inn and secured a room for my stay while I explore the town. After settling in I went down for some dinner, ale, and to get some tips on places and things to see around here. To my surprise, Lightbringer and Elden were also here and Lightbringer was buying all the drinks for everyone all evening. He looks to be a real nice and generous fellow and he is also good in a fight. I am still unsure about the girl Elden. She is too quiet and somewhat suspicious and what kind of name is that for a lady.

Anyway, It looks like the first place I should see is Eventide's monastery and introduce myself to this Monk whom everyone claims is unbeatable in battle yet will only train those who take a vow of poverty. Which is certainly not for me.

When I mentioned I planned to go see the monk tomorrow morning both Lightbringer and Elden said they  had plans to head that way too and apparently around  here it is not wise to travel alone.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Character Bio

Considered an accident by his mother and Air Jinn father he was left at an orphanage shortly after birth. At the age of 10 he was sold to the captain of a merchant sea freighter to be a cabin boy. Eventually he found a full family among the crew and progressed in skill and knowledge. That is until his ship sank in a storm that smashed among a rocky reef killing everyone but him. Leaving him alone at the age 17. He found himself shunned and mistrusted by the local populous so he found his way by living in the deep forests and learned a respect for the beauty of nature and came to the realization that he was saved by Silvanus for the protection of nature and the worlds natural order.