Sunday, August 12, 2018

You have to crawl before you can walk.

Today we went into town to find a market where we can buy some potions with the vouchers we got from the king. Afterward we debated on what we should do next. I was up for trying to find some wandering dragons or watching an entrance to the kings mines to see what comes out to see if we can handle it but Lightbringer, who is more familiar with the area and in fighting the creatures we might face thought it best to return to the tower where we encountered the undead.

Upon searching the remains of the tower we came upon a locked trap door in the floor. Elden was able through the use of her magic to read the warning written on the door and determine that the lock as magically trapped. Basically some necromancer during the war tried to plain-shift some Vivisectors but was then unable to control or handle them so he locked them away under the tower. Apparently someone tried to pick the lock and failed which turned them into the undead creature we encountered yesterday.

We decided that this was too dangerous to leave sitting so close to the town so Elden and I guarded it while Mercy returned to town to find some people skilled enough to pick this lock properly. He returned a few hours later with some rogues and cleric who were able to pick the lock without incident. They would not enter the trap door though, opting to guard the entrance instead.

The three of us descended into the basement of the tower encountering several of these Vivisectors which can fly and turn invisible! However we were able to kill a few before having to retreat back up to the tower. We will try again tomorrow and camp here in the tower ruins tonight. These invasive creatures will be vanquished!