Friday, September 14, 2018

A New Friend

So as a show of good faith our new vamp friend and houseguest gave us the location of an evil vampire he knew back before he was locked away. The information is a few hundred years old but we decided to form an expedition to check it out. The location is about 30 miles away so we took some of the gold we found when clearing out our new home and bought a carriage and a wand of healing. We also hired a carriage driver and set off.

At the location that our friend marked on our map we found a cave surrounded by dead plants and carefully proceeded inside but it was not long before we encountered lots of magic casting undead. There were more then we expected to encounter but since Lightbringer and I are clerics we were able to keep scarring them off which helped to keep us from being totally overwhelmed. Although, after that we realised we were in no shape to take on a vampire and retreated to a nearby village to rest.

Currently, I am awaiting them in the carriage to return to the cave .....

As I was writing, I heard them calling out to me from the nearby chappell. Apparently they happened upon a mage that was trying to tell us to give up on the vampire and go home but when we chose not to he began fireballing us until we killed him. So it looks like we are going to stay another night so we are at full strength as he obviously knows we are coming for him now.