Sunday, August 12, 2018

Where There is a Problem There is Employment

It turned out to be good that we chose to travel together to see Eventide because it wasn't long before we were attacked by some dragons. The largest was about my size but I made quick work of him with my quarterstaff. The rest were the size of birds. We were told in town that there was a bounty on dragons in this land so I ended up dragging the body along behind me for the rest of the trip.

Well except for the undead abomination of nature we had to battle near the remains of the cities old south watch tower. It was a tough fight and by the time we reached the monastery I was completely out of spells but without a scratch on me.

The monastery was plain but had a nice hill top view of the countryside. Upon meeting Eventide I made a point to suggest that he should have his monks patrol the road to town to keep it safe for tourists like us. He seemed to be impressed that we were able to take down the dragon without much injury and offered to introduce us to his friend THE KING!

I was not expecting to meet the king of Mirtivir, especially so soon after arriving, but we followed him through the town and into the city and were granted an audience immediately upon arrival. I don't know what history they shared but their friendship must be strong. The king explained that the area and mines were over run with dragons which have brought the lands mining operations to a stand still. Hence the bounty on dragons. He then granted each of us our choice of a weapon and piece of armor from his armory asking that we at least remain and kill dragons until we have slain one adult dragon. I chose a solid silver quarter staff and mithril plate mail.

Apparently it is customary for a guest room to be made available to everyone that meets with the king for a night so we spent the night at the castle.