Thursday, January 17, 2019

Heroes to the Rescue

While shopping the other day to buy back some of my lost magic items we happened on a shop keep offering a reward for the rescue of his friends that were captured by some sort of underground evil magic school cult. I am still not entirely sure but the place was a large underground labyrinth of magic users ghosts and undead.

It was a long slog of fighting and searching but we finally were able to locate his friends and get them out of there. We got paid and some half off coupons...

Diplomacy and Dragons

Apparently, while we were away Lightbringer had paid people to come in and extend our little underground home and as we arrived they broke through into one of the old city mines that were infested with dragons.  After taking out a few wealps we came to a chamber with a larger dragon. Boldly, I entered and casually walked up to the dragon and touched it using my glove of holding to summon my rod of maximize and casting inflict wounds. Immediately the dragon recoiled in pain and attempted to bite me but lightbringer brought up an earthen spike from the floor straight into its jaw. Then Elden brought more spike down from the roof trapping it in place.  The dragon then stopped its attack and in exchange for letting it go it would make a direct way to the largest dragon in this mine. I thought it was a dumb idea but said nothing as Elden accepted his offer adding that he must leave the country.

We followed as he tunneled and broke through to the cave that lead to his chamber. I kept my guard up the entire time watching him closely. After informing us that the leaders lair was just down the tunnel he dug his way to the surface and flew away. We then engaged this dragon in battle who almost immediately beguiled me and lightbringer before Elden was able to cast a spell that made it stop it's attack.

Elden then proceeded to diplomatically bargain with this dragon as well in an attempt to get it to also just leave the country. At this point I just went into the tunnel and sat leaning against the wall shaking my head. The dragons terms were that it would leave taking its treasures with him IF each of us would draw at least one card from his deck of many things.  Elden drew first and a knight appeared beside her swearing allegiance to her. Then Lightbringer drew two cards both of which appeared to do nothing to me. Then I reluctantly stood up, walked into the chamber and drew a card. Instantly every magical item I was carrying turned to dust. Which was almost everything so I was standing there practically naked. I swear I heard that dragon laugh as it swallowed up its treasure hoard. It to tunneled to the surface and flew away. I just sullenly sulked my way to my room.

Later lightbringer came to my room and gave me enough money to buy back most of my basic magic weapons and armor. So it looks like I am going shopping tomorrow.